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Healthy Eats on London’s Streets

Updated: Oct 25, 2018


Eating on the go in London is easy, convenient, tasty and eclectic. However, add the filter of eating healthy while out and about in our great capital and the options narrow. A Mintel report in 2016 showed 48% of Brits had tried to lose weight in the last year, with the word tried being the operative one.

It is not always easy to do and, with a McDonald’s at every turn, it’s easy to be beaten into submission and give in to a Big Mac, a Whopper or any other belly burdening burger.

However, it can be done. And it can be done enjoyably, too. I’m a qualified personal trainer and have spent a lot of time working in town – on the days I couldn’t face the tupperware trials of meal preparation, or I had agreed to meet friends for lunch or dinner, I needed to find some decent eats within the parameters of healthy eating – here are my top three options.

Vital Ingredients

Walk in at morning time and you’re greeted with an array of vibrant-coloured fresh fruit on display with various set menu or build-your-own possibilities. Lunchtime offers a similar set up but fruit is swapped for vegetables and yogurt bowls for salads. The only thing stopping you choosing a different meal every day of the month is your bank account!

Image credit: uglydrinks_uk

Honi Poke

Honi Poke offers a taste of Hawaii in London; marinated raw fish atop a choice of bases – my personal favourite being the vegetable ‘slaw – represents a tasty take on an already thriving sushi scene in London. I’m a relative newcomer to Honi Poke but whenever I have visited, the staff have been great at explaining what goes well with what and suggesting which flavours will suit your taste.

Image credit: honipoke


Rather than an on-the-go grab option, Mildreds is the ideal setting for eating out without compromising your healthy eating ambitions. I’m not vegan and, will admit, have been sceptical about the cuisine until I came here. The food is, simply put, an explosion of tastes and flavours, with far ranging recipes that disprove every misconception of vegan food. Busting the myth that all vegan food is bland and all vegetables boring, Mildreds will give newcomers an education in what it means to eat healthily and enjoyably.

Image credit: zannavandijk

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